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Do you ever have those days were you just feel like you can’t take anymore? Maybe those times in life that enough is enough? Well let me tell you, TODAY is that DAY! I’m about to get RAW and personal. I struggled with this because I originally wanted to keep my blog about love, life, happiness and travel. But life…life has its ups and downs and life is NOT perfect!

Current Status-Mom BURN OUT!

Today I’m sitting in my Jammies. My bunny pj pants, sweatshirt and slippers. I’m struggling with getting up, making breakfast and cleaning the house or laying in bed reading a book titled the “Empowered Woman“. I am not to sure if I want to sleep, cry or try to keep busy and not let the things on my mind get to me. The problem is that I cannot sleep and I can’t concentrate on reading the novel that I wish I could. So I decided to get up and journal my thoughts to you guys! Keeping things bottled up on the inside is not healthy. Not to sure if I will publish this post or not, but at least I will keep my mind busy for a bit.

My last 24 hours…

TIRED AS A MUTHA is what this post is titled! I am just getting over an autoimmune flare, on top of my normal Mom, house, wife, friend, and work duties, my in-laws came to visit last week. I spent 2 days at Drs appts with my Mother in law. She has been having some health issues with her heart and also severe pain and swelling in her leg. She is older and needs assistance. This past Friday I also hosted a birthday dinner for my Father since I was unable to make it down to see him on his actual birthday because I was in a flare and could barely get out of bed. Shortly after dinner my Mother in law did not look too well, so I insisted on bringing her to the ER. After running all day, cooking and hosting, I then spent all night at the hospital with her. Because thats what we do for family right?

The following day I was so tired and had a lot on my mind but I had to pull myself together to go to my nieces “Sweet 16” birthday party. I know… MOST people would have said that there was no way they were going after having such a long eventful evening on top of just getting over a flare. But I was determined to at least make an appearance. So we made that hour long drive down there. Everything looked so beautiful and I was so proud and impressed that my sister did it all by herself! I was a tad bit guilty because I am known to be the “Hostess with the Mostess” and deemed “the crafty one” that always help with events. But due to my health issues, I wasn’t able to help her this time.

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get!

Apparently, according to my kids. I am so mean because I “Forced” both my boys to go with me to the Sweet 16 party. They were already a little “off” due to having guests at our house the night before and staying up late. Also with me spending the night at the hospital with their Grandma, not only was I tired but the boys were really worried about their Grandam as wells me driving with not feeling so well. But, again… I dragged them along, according to them!

That’s the “right thing” to do right? Well, apparently it wasn’t because my 19 year old was not happy that I made him go to a Sweet 16 birthday party. I am not too sure if you read my bio, but my older son has Aspergers. Certain things “set him off” and once he gets to that point there is no return! The music was too loud, the DJ played inappropriate music, someone was smoking, the food was cold, there was tree nuts on one of the tables (my younger son has a severe tree nut allergy & this is a huge concern), the list goes on! I was already tired, not feeling 100%, felt guilty that I had not helped like I normally do and now I have a son that’s demanding to leave. (sigh)

Lawd help me! But guess what? I handled the evening with grace! Ps…with an aspie…”Life is like a box of Chocolates..you never know what your going to get”! One minute can be amazing and funny, and the next minute serious and matter of a fact! My brain and emotions are challenged each day as a Mom, Wife and a member of this crazy society!

Do we EVER get a break?

I am also fighting with myself over some other issues. I have a great husband and children and I know it’s “normal” to have days that we drive each other crazy, but I am just so tired! Tired of being the drill sergeant, the maid, the cook, the mediator, the referee, the entertainment director. I’m just TIRED! I DON’T want to CONSTANTLY remind everyone what they need to do! What their household duties ,responsibilities and chores are! I have lists galore, whiteboards, printouts, reward charts… and I STILL have to be a drill sergeant! Why am I the only one that remembers EVERYTHING?????! Because I am MOM?!!!

I have come to the conclusion that I just don’t like any one today! ha ha

I am the ONLY female in the house. Hubby and my 2 boys, unless you count my female dog. But, there just is way to much testosterone up in here!!! Coffee, wine? Nooooo…I am to tired and irritated to even think of my two favorite things! I just want to scream… “WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA”! I don’t want to even go in the kitchen because that means I need to wash the sink full of dishes.

Today I think I will be on strike! That reminds me of a funny movie from when I was a kid. I wish I could remember the name of the movie, but it was about a Mama that went on “strike”. She pitched a tent in the yard and went on strike with her family! If it wasn’t so cold and rainy here, that would the such a bad idea!

Now THIS is the REAL Vacation us Moms want!

Self Compassion

Today I am struggling with regulating myself. I know what’s right…I know what I should do..I know that I need to have self compassion and treat myself fairly.


Now that I have vented- THANK YOU!), I need to put my big girl panties on and figure out a way to make me HAPPY. I need to shift my energy and turn this Mom burnout around.

Love the Life you live..even on the “Off” days! xo

Do you ever feel burned out? Just tired of it all? How do you handle Mom burnout? Share with me your tips and struggles. I know I am not alone in this! Blessings to you all…

xo, Christy

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