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So THIS just happened! My girlfriend called me and asked me if I wanted to go on a trip. Of course, I replied “YES’!!! Little did I know that she was 100% SERIOUS!!! When I got off the phone it hit me, she was serious! We REALLY are going on a trip!


As the day went on I was so excited but also nervous! Reality hit me. CRAP!!! I am going away by MYSELF? No kids, no hubby just ME?!!! Then the Mom in me kicked in, who is going to bring the kids to school, pack their lunch, make sure they eat? God forbid what the house will look like when I get back home! Who’s going to cook dinner,who’s going to make sure we have toilet paper? Toilet paper? That reminds me I need to go the store and buy everything they need.

What I should of been thinking about was, “Wow! I get to go on a girls trip to a beautiful tropical island and enjoy some relaxing time with my bestie”. Let me go pack my bag and schedule all the things I need to do before I leave. “Checklist” -Of course.. Tan, pedicure,hair,new clothes. But as a MOM... my kids and parenting duties come first. Toilet paper over tanning wins!! Sometimes I wish I could be carefree and just think about myself, but I can’t. #momlife


Then you have my fear…. First of all, let me tell you I am a very independent Female. I am a woman who knows how to use a hammer and never asks for help. But I realized that I am a tad co-dependent. This will be my first big travel trip without my husband. So I need to put my big girl panties on and have faith in myself. I can handle this long flight, I can handle driving on the opposite side of the road. I CAN do this!


Don’t let fear and guilt take over. It is important to spread your wings and do something for yourself time to time.

I have less then a week to make sure everything is in tack for Mama’s BIG adventure! 10.5 hour flight, layover on the East Coast (snow storm) and then we will be in St.Lucia.

Wish I could be this carefree!

Have you experienced the guilt and fear of doing something on your own? I would love to hear your story, please feel free to share below in the comments.

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